Streamline, organize, and automate your onboarding process like magic.

Microsoft Excel is a great tool to crunch numbers and create data tables, but has it ever been described as engaging? The Excel experience, while effective, isn’t a memorable one. When you consider that 69% of employees who experience a great onboarding are more likely to stay with a company for at least 3 years, an onboarding plan built out of static columns and rows simply doesn’t cut it.


of employees who experience a great onboarding experience are more likely to stay with a company for at least 3 years

Workleap revamps the concept of onboarding—helping you build onboarding plans easily, better define employee journeys, and create meaningful experiences that make a difference.

One Dimensional vs Human Experiences

You may be an Excel wiz (let’s hear it for pivot tables and conditional formatting), but spreadsheets will never truly be exciting, and to build (or undergo) an onboarding experience via one can be a bit drab. And starting a new job at a new company should be anything but boring!

From day one, Onboarding generates engagement from your newcomer. Thanks to interactive features like integrated video and recording, you can incorporate welcome videos recorded by your team for pre-boarding activities, creating excitement, anticipation and a human rapport.

Build onboarding plans and create templates that you can reuse and customize, where you can highlight your company’s unique culture with personalized activities and identify milestones along an onboarding timeline. Rather than copying and pasting data into cells, you now have a powerful tool that will design the interactive onboarding journeys of your dreams.

Scattered Files vs a Hub for All Important Onboarding Assets

Keeping track of documents is exhausting—and files stack up. You have files saved on your desktop, hard copies on your external drive, copies saved on the cloud and copies of copies where you’re not sure which are the most updated versions.

Knowledge workers can spend up to 19% of their time searching for assets. We think that time could be better spent creating dynamic onboarding journeys that are stored under one roof.

So save yourself time with Onboarding. The platform has a library where you can upload links from your cloud or files saved onto your computer. All onboarding assets can be saved in Workleap Onboarding—it’ll quickly show you the most up-to-date versions and filter assets with tags. Plus, any employee can log back into Onboarding to access previously viewed onboarding assets if needed.

Simple Data vs Meaningful Context

Excel cells hold data—then what? More than letters and numbers, an onboarding experience needs to be meaningful, with a context, a timeline and a story.

Onboarding ensures that your newcomer feels like the main character embarking on a wonderful adventure. Onboarding activities are shown on a timeline that you have control and visibility over. Each unique activity can include interactive media—like recorded videos, external documents, and checklists. A Workleap onboarding journey includes smiles, real voices and faces, and gamification elements like achievements and milestones, which promotes engagement and retention.

Excel Works, But Workleap Onboarding Does It Better

At the end of the day, you can work harder to achieve the same results—but why would you?

Sure, Excel keeps data organized and can even put it within a checklist format (if you know your way around it). But is it enough to charm and retain your new employees, when we know that 33% of hires leave a new job within the first 3 months?


of hires leave a new job within the first 3 months

Onboarding helps you create onboarding journeys that are fun, engaging and memorable. From the time of hire, you can make your newcomers feel welcomed, give them a clear sense of direction towards success, and know they have a hub of knowledge and information to circle back if need be.

It’s time to stop using Excel and start excelling at onboarding with Workleap. Create your free account and access our library of templates to get started quickly, simply and effectively.

Structure and automate your onboarding journey so newcomers hit the ground running.